Posts Tagged ‘Lucas Murgida’

Grip, Grasp, Grope, and Fondle, 03/10, Portland, OR
March 28, 2010
Grip, Grasp, Grope and Fondle, Portland, OR, March, 2010On March 4, 2010 I executed a 3-hour performance in The Autzen Gallery at Portland State University. Inside of the space there were five baby-sized coffins. Each had a metronome in its interior that was quietly ticking. At the start of the performance I used a propane […]
2010 | Sex Laborer | Tags: Autzen Gallery, baby coffins, caskets, coffins, doolder, Lucas Murgida, naked man, penis, Portland, sage smoke, smoke

The Oracle, for The Thing Quarterly, SF, CA, 10/09
November 8, 2009
The Oracle, San Francisco, CA, October, 2009 This was the final project in the Yoga Teacher Series. It was originally contracted by The Thing Quarterly as their contribution to The San Francisco Film Societies Cinema By The Bay opening party in October of 2009. I also performed this piece two more times in Los Angeles […]
2009 | Yoga Teacher | Tags: Cinema By the Bay, Lucas Murgida, mirror, oracle, phone booth, prediction, San Francisco Film Society, The Thing Quarterly, two way mirror, velvet rope

(w)hole @ The Charlie James Gallery, LA, CA, 07/09
July 31, 2009
(w)hole, The Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, July, 2009 As with the other pieces in the Yoga Teacher Series, in this project I am examining one of the five senses. (W)hole revolves around our sense of taste. Several months ago I began a study of how to predict the future. My initial research led me […]