Egress, Portland, Oregon, September, 2007
On Saturday September 8th of 2007 I executed an endurance performance at ROCKSBOX from 6-11 PM. A pit-bull was leashed to my torso while I laid on the ground, bound with zip-ties.
As with the other pieces in the Yoga Teacher Series, in this project I am examining one of the five senses. Egress revolves around our sense of hearing. The door to the room was locked from both the inside and the outside. By using a small remote control I was able to activate an electric release in the door that permitted viewers to enter and exit the space when I saw them in the doors window. The only way in or out of the room was through my permission.
Down the hall there was a second room that was also locked from both the inside and the outside. I programmed a timer to activate an electric release in the door every two minutes which allowed viewers to enter and exit the space. Inside the empty room an audio track looped that outlined a teenage boy’s experience with his dog. The only way in or out of the room was when the timer that I programmed permitted egress.
Egress was sited in the middle of this article: