Locks as Art, University of California, Santa Barbara, March-June, 2022

During the 2021-2022 Academic year I was an awarded teaching fellow with UC Santa Barbara’s College of Creative Studies and Department of Art. One of the six classes that I taught was called, Locks as Art. In this class, I took seven of the lessons of The Locksmithing Institute and taught them as weekly installments for group of twelve undergraduate students. Lessons included: picking locks, making keys, losing keys, and –among other things– sharing power. Below I have posted video documentation of the course introduction and first lesson, Picking Locks: Pressure VS Manipulation. Also below there is PDF of the written analysis of the first lesson and also a PDF of the lecture slides.


PDF of the Written Analysis for Lesson 1. Picking Locks: Pressure VS Manipulation:


PDF of the Lecture #1 Slides: Picking Locks: Pressure VS Manipulation

Locks as Art, Lesson #1, UC Santa Barbara, Spring 2022 | 2014 | Locksmith